The secret of good and successful wind ensemble music?
It's a question of ability – not taste.

Wind band music has no limits ...

Blasinstrumente auf WorlWideMap... either in terms of kinds or styles of music or in its worldwide popularity. Just as the audience likes to be surprised with well-known pieces in a new guise, so musicians like to take their repertoire to new directions.

The only obstacle on the road can be the lack of skill or experience of the musicians and their band leaders.

But – everybody can overcome these hurdles with the appropriate training. I guarantee that this will be provided with entertainment instead of stress so that learning becomes fun.

It's comparable to sports: Improvements of technique and fitness will lead to success.

How this works out in detail, I will explain to you on the seminar pages for concert bands, wind bands and church brass ensembles (Posaunenchor).

But (unfortunately) there are also problems

Let us be candid: currently the situation for wind bands is far from rosy.

I can name a few reasons. An assessment and the resulting consequences can be found on the page “wind band music today."

Hugo Lossveld Portrait 1

My aim is to make my experience available to all those who also love wind band and wind ensemble music. If we work together, we can ensure that our beloved wind band and wind ensemble music will have a bright future.